last week climbing da hill. what about this week huh..? hmm, today ma sista and i joging at da park and it were situated just infront of da hill. waw. its awesome..! round da park for about three times. but its quite desippointed bcse i cnt join da aerobic session dat were held at that park.. but you noe what, yell no wey! actly this is our first tyme being there.. seriously da view so impress us. bapak pye cool la dapat jog sane, but what make us feel so so suck bla ramai sgt guy guy yg sakai dtg ngn moto duduk tepi tepi taman, but act bkan tepi taman aw, kra dalam taman jgk la, bwk moto, merendek dalam taman tuh, what da point la pg taman mcm ta gosok gigi je, know much apew niat diorg..! arghh. plis la sweet readers, dun behave like that! so anoying laa . and thats why jugak laa we not join da aerobc tuh. bapak mau cuci mate laa. bkn nk amalkan healthy life style pom, pg sane nk kumpul dosa free.. bgus sgt la tuu~ ya Allah, ampunillah dosa dosa mereka yg berniat sedemikian, bring them bc to da straigh way. jlan highway pom jadilaa~ hiks:P. n for ma behalf, am also wanna ask apologize if what am saying is totally not right..! ampunilah aku,, niat aku tidak ada yg lain, bukan mahu mengaibkam siapa siapa, hanya sekadar mahu berkongsi.. wallahualam..
oh Allah

now it is thirthy five minutes to twelve. am waiting for da ketibaan my aunt from kL. waw miss damn my little cousin! along, angah n espcly da gorgeous one. zara! we will spent our skul oliday togther. ! cant wait for u ols la..
ouh, before i lost ma mind.. i would like to say a great sory to ma gurlfren, elena sofia elfera binti mamat. i say no again for ur offer to melepak at da bitch and taman shah bndar.. really really dont mean it. actly, am not going to chendering as ma aunt blik kelantn. i hv to cancle it! but then, ma program were changed. this eve i spent ma tyme with mama pg memisah dkat umah depan ni. esk kenduri kawen ank dye.. ta nk pg tolg ta sdap jgk, kalo intai npk, kalo pggil dgar,. waw. i try to describe how near my neighbour is.! again am saying so so sory. hope u understand it! (~_~)
oke oke. wait for da nx kisah ye. .see yar..! winks2^_^
"merendek dalam taman tuh"..merendek tu napew na?? hahahah...aku d0p paham weyh..
merewang.. like meronda kot.. hiks
ni nzm bace kt mne ntah, x ingat..
merende 2 asal dari perkataan tamil "rende"
rende tu nombor 2
so, merende 2 mksudnya berdua-dua an la..haha
hah.. suit gak,, ade jgk type cam tu tyme ktorg pg taman uh,, hmm~ tp ntah la,, pakat sebot je kn, rupa nya ade mksd jgk word tu, hmm,
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