seriously sory sgt sgt for sunyi sepi abt two days.. arghh, fenat tahap gaban kot. malas tahap niwana nk update my blog, aduii,
now, i am back to da silence world. hoho~ my auntie was going bc to her hometown subang jaya yesterday. n no more along, no more angah, and no more my gorgeous zara,, huwaa~ mish them much,, ! love being together auntie tie,, hope there will be another one next year,, oliday bersama, having fun ols together, and gathering with bBQ was really awesome..! bubbye che asan n mok tee~ for che asan slamat btugas kmbali, n for mk tee, enjoy your last two days oliday,, hiks:P
............bUbbyee $emUa.....................

......tata~tata........adeh,,tlg angkat!!........slamat jln......
............bUbbyee $emUa.....................
......tata~tata........adeh,,tlg angkat!!........slamat jln......
for this two days,, many things was happen, but i dun noe how to story to u ols, from where to start, and until where to end. ouchh, pretty much sure there will be no ends..! ayyo tatayo~ @@ (cumilkan..? the words is belongs to angah. "ayyo tatayo") kak yana pinjam ye angah,, lalala~
thebe$t mOment..@@
actually kn on june,18 UPUs result will be announced, but i am managed to noe that result one day early which mean on jUne,17.. alhamdulillah, i got utm in civil engeneering..! maybe this is da besh for me ryte, there must be a silver lining in it, ahakss:) so, say bubbye larh to my dream,,:: engneer of merine:: i will futher my study with countless hardworking, will perform my duty with endless spirit.. ols let say " smoga sukses diyana! go go go, kamo boleh!." hehehe:) tenkiu.ameen3x.. so utm, i will come to you soon dear!! hoorrreyyyyy!!!!!!
oke la,, will type another soon, see yar.! winks2^_^
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