jup! asal smalam ta update blog huh..? hmm~ ouh, remember already, hiks:P emosi manyak ta shantek lol.. i love to sleep when i got a terrible mood, so so bad! haha, so ta der nyer nk update blog, !
so today~ i hv a memorable experience to remember until the end of ma life..! great lesson too i guess. btw, good news guys, ma problem setle! alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah! my birth sertificate already remake! today am going to pejabat pendaftaran, for sure wif ma sweety sista la. remake my birth sertfction then renew my identity card, ouch,,yell no wey,, ma pitcha so so so "good"..
(",) sgt menguji kesabaran..: woohoo~ so hard to look for da parking wey! u guys noe la, parking kt pjabat pndaftaran tuu, sgt sgt la available sampai kan lala round that place for about four times! totally stupi* laa, n i almost cry bcose of this ! n i said to my sweety " if there is no parking until eleven i will act like hulk..! i will be a scary monster..!!" n all da time i repeat the same words "apa yg aku buat sampai di uji camni" .."subhanallah,subhanallah,,knapa ni.." n perna la jgk lala pkul2 stereng kete uh,, panas kat luar da di absorb msuk dalam until i say sumting not good, of cos, ade jgk a sumpah seranah, sometimes mara2 driver lain yg da dpt parking dulu even dorg just arive, ! .. mashaAllah, but u noe guys, btapa Allah nk uji nya, until eleven sharp, barula ade parking,, waw! its clear, i should not ikut kan amarah, ta saje2 dapat dosa free akibat bad behavior just now..! erh,
(",) malu bertanya sesat jalan...: first i decide to remake my birth sertificate, pasal its more important i guess, then huru hara jgk la, dun noe da procedure how kn,. but we act cool cool la, isi borg then take num for our turn ryte,, alhamdulillah, it so lucky its takes only 15 minutes to complete da new BS. then da officer kat ctu called ma name "nordiana binti asri.." so i met him,
officer: awk tlis nama kat sini, tarikh hari ni , sini sain k.
diana: ok,
officer : asking bla bla bla
.. i thought its normal la pjabat pndaftaran pye officer friendly cm tu.. but act i feel not good abt him,, he so so gatal,, flirty ntah ap ap,,..
officer: nnt awk tgu kejup
diana : nk kne tgu kejap?
officer : ya
waiting waiting ....waiting for about ten minutes (plus minus)..
while waiting , we feel something dawh abt dat officer actly. but just ignore la.. duk tgk tgk kt ktorg. "gewly gilerr".
sweety: awk ta tye ke tggu untk ap..?
diana : ntah, dye suh tggu.
sweety : pg la tye.
then,i pg la tye officer yg sblah guy td, still ke ktorg tgu lg, for what nk tgu lg ni.. then, da new officer ni ckp ap aw, " da dpt BS tu, da siap la," ouch,, yell no wey! shengal shiot mamt officer td..!!
sesat akuh gara ta betnya, dan bgitu mudah akuh kne goreng, kne tipu!!! mashaallah.. ampunilah dosa mamat officer tadi sbb tdak memudahkan urusan akuh yg msih berlambak,,!
mmg mulut ni ta abis jgk ah talk abt dat guy td, tp sabar je la...then we walked to the next department for renew my ID. aduii,~ mcm mcm story daa,, sbb kejahilan lala yg ta tgk pocedure kt notice board dgn kesesatan lala yg ta bertanya dulu, dapat malu sendiri.. huwwa~~ i dont have to fill any form to renew my ID, js met da officer! but then, i do fill da form,,!
officer: atas sbb ap bt ID baru ni?
lala: nk bt yg baru la,,,
officer : awk ni, ta payah isi borang pom kalo nk buat yg bru,, bg iC lama. da ckup 18 taun blom?
lala: ( malu sndiri deyh. aduh! act act cool laa ) emm,, dah dah.
then u noe wut, the most word yg i would not forget said by da officer kn "tapela.. nnt esk esk bla bwk ank awk dtg, bgtahu la dia, ta yah isi borang kalo nk renew iC.." perrrggghh..! makan dalam shiot.! haiissh. manyak kene la gua ini hali.. woohoo (@_@) bingun fenim plus plus.
when all da important mission completed,,! baru la totally feel relief..! panas dalam pom mula reda.. tapi cuaca tetap panas tahap nirwana..! arh, i am used with that, panas di sana lebih dasat lol. nauzubillah...
sblom blik tu smpat la release tensen dulu, nx, kitorg

i will write more after this, see yar.. winks2^_^
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