hai sweet readers..
manyak soli yerp..lately busy attending kenduri kendara,, walawess, seyes! suka sgt sgt,, makan free lol =) anyway,, i cnt smile long even i am supper excited wif this kenduri kendara.. argghh, i had terrible day, n i am feel so emotional for this few day,, i dun noe why..? i hv no answer for it,, maybe many thing was jump into me at a tyme n make me so stress. u ols noe ryte, my birth sertificate was missing and until now i couldnt find it..! argh horrible woried abt that,,
guys lets say " may allah give u da way diyana,,!! "
aww.. awesome guys! u did a great job,, thanks! ameen3(",)

hemm~ ( al-baqarah:216) make me realised something, what was happen is for a reason, may be ade hikmah d sebalik ape yg blaku ni,, n now am trying asking my fren how to get out from this matter! argh,, guys, if u cn, do help me jgk k,, and my mama was so worried abt this, i dun wanna make her think so much abt this! plis help me setle this problem,, (@-@) fenim already..!
( Q: nk g pejabat mane bla birth sertificate ilang..? )
....(",)..al kisah seterusnya..
i dun noe why,, ops..! this is not al kisah tentang love story~
i always heard about this words " friend is a mirror of ourselves" ouh no way,,! if she/he behave in a wrng way, means we jz like em lol..? i dun noe,,i get so so compiu

(",) gadis keciwa dan keliru~
see yar,,! winks2^_^
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