salam readers,,~
i dun noe,, now ekceli tader mood nk bloging but, dyana terpena seketika,, raser adew kilat msuk kat dada then menerangi kotak minda kuh ini,,, huiiih!
nice person,, kind person,, ..!!!
is it wrong with dat,,? oh yell no wey! nothing wrong wif dat ekceli,,,
but i dun noe.....................
am i a good person,,? do i kind enough..? i dun want to say dat i am good enough,,
i am da person dat feel guilty and easy feel sorry when others ask for a favour.. so,, no matter how, i will try ma best to help em,, yes,, sometimes its like am forcing maself,, but seriously i do make it sincerely,,, yess, sometimes, no, no, its not sometimes, but its many times olready, i feel dat dyana mengorbankan diri dyana untuk kepentingan org lain,,, "kita berkorban untuk diri org lain, sampai diri sendiri terkorban" still clear in my mind about that words,, teacher dyana perna ckp camgini tyme dyana form fve duluuu@@.. btol la.. for what kita korbankan diri kita for others kepentingan,, its not masuk akal,, but as human being,, i really consider about others feeling,, its so hard to say "no".
u,, seriously this is da way i am, da person da easy gve em a help. why..? is it wrong,,?
yes yes,, i noe what u meant,, dun over limit,, dun forcing maself,, but this is me,,,!
oke,, now,, i do feel exausted be a nice person (bkn baik sgt pomm...@@). i do feel tired being a person that hard to say "no"...i do feel annoying maself,,,! its freaking me when i am hurting maself...! yeaa,, so freaking...!@@
even my gurl perna ckap,, "jaga hati kita betol betol, never hurt our heart, dun make it cry for a smple thing,,!" huh,,! yea yea.. dat ryte babeyhh,,, so,, for what i feel guilty o feel sory when i hv to say "no" kn
and one more thing... da words by ma uncle,,, so so so make me realised something.. "makan budi, tergadai diri la jawabnya.." hmmm, so now, from this point, i hv to be more independent, never depent on others, it makes u feel more trouble later diyana..!@@ hohoho~ lol,, u cn do evrything as long as deep in ur heart say "akuh boley, akuh boley.." its ols about our mind set..! our mind control evrything,,! so diyana,,? how,,? cn u make da changes..? misti la kan,, diyana kan boley,, hiks:P.. u cn do evrything by ur own,,! dun trouble others. oke?
@@toink toing...
owke,, i will try k,, i will try make da changes,, but i dun noe yet how da result will be..
so guys,, i am really really sorry if before this, i hv done a bad deed, am feel great sory if before this i gv u trouble,, but seriously,, if our reality life hv da turning bc,, i really want it. i dun want to gv u any problems,,
will bring maself away...~ just face it no matter what,, will more consider about maself's feeling,, will learnt how to say "no",, ekekeke:)
tenkiu,, creadit to her,, huh!! terpena akuh seketika,, weiykss:P
oke oke,, will ryte more,, bubbye. see yar..! winks2^_^
org baik akan klik klik!!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
last friday wif sista ..@@
asssalamualaikum sweet readers~
now am feeling free to update ma blog,
its friday again larr..! today is our third and our last friday..! @@
uhukss. manyak cdey juga,, ari ni ma sista and i jog jauh sket. kat bndar, pantai batu buruk, since its our last hv a jog togther, ap slh ny spent lbey sket masa for today kn,, its just like usual, jog 10 minutes for 3 rounds, i guess. not pretty sure, hahaha:) fenat..? owh, ta sgt lar, just having fun. hiks:P then we going to pantai batu buruk, spent our last moment at our beloved hometown..!! waw. awesome.! feel so so cool dapat pgi pantai pg pg, nyaman yooh.. angin yg ta de sopan santun uh buat akuh feel segar sgt, now i realised something. going to da beach early in da morning is da best remedy for refreshing our mind..!! yea yea.. @@toing toing..! get some info for maself n u too maybe.
"hey dyana..! wake up..! u already have one week to prepare.." hoho, i noe that lol missmiassy! hiks, talking to maself, quite crazy. now ma sista is "busssying" packing her thing for her coming semester, oh yell wey, she keep calling me n keep remind me to join her. haha~ @@ wait sista, i will come to you later, just give me a few "hours" sweety. now am bloging.! dun disturb.! ngeh3@@
sweety sista, i will miss da moment we spent together..! i love u.. i love our family, love our memory.. having u and da family is da best thing happend in ma life@@.
dis oliday always in my memory..

...diana@@.....................................pantai batu buruk................................dini@@

................................................we complete each other....................................

.......k*A*M*I saling menyayangi....jarak membuat kami saling merindui..........

....................................we love beach..water lover..nature lover...........................

we are amazing sista.......we are da best couple......we are da great partner

..............................................bubbye friday,,,!!!@@..............................
hmmm, i dun noe how to describe ma feeling ryte now, so heppy, even, many problem i hv to face now, but i cn still calm n cool like nothing happen, u n u always comfort me, mama i love u so much. dini, love u too~ we still hv a week ..! lets spent tyme togther sampaii lebam! @@toing toing!
ok ok.. follow da next post k,, see yar..! winks2^_^
now am feeling free to update ma blog,
its friday again larr..! today is our third and our last friday..! @@
uhukss. manyak cdey juga,, ari ni ma sista and i jog jauh sket. kat bndar, pantai batu buruk, since its our last hv a jog togther, ap slh ny spent lbey sket masa for today kn,, its just like usual, jog 10 minutes for 3 rounds, i guess. not pretty sure, hahaha:) fenat..? owh, ta sgt lar, just having fun. hiks:P then we going to pantai batu buruk, spent our last moment at our beloved hometown..!! waw. awesome.! feel so so cool dapat pgi pantai pg pg, nyaman yooh.. angin yg ta de sopan santun uh buat akuh feel segar sgt, now i realised something. going to da beach early in da morning is da best remedy for refreshing our mind..!! yea yea.. @@toing toing..! get some info for maself n u too maybe.
"hey dyana..! wake up..! u already have one week to prepare.." hoho, i noe that lol missmiassy! hiks, talking to maself, quite crazy. now ma sista is "busssying" packing her thing for her coming semester, oh yell wey, she keep calling me n keep remind me to join her. haha~ @@ wait sista, i will come to you later, just give me a few "hours" sweety. now am bloging.! dun disturb.! ngeh3@@
sweety sista, i will miss da moment we spent together..! i love u.. i love our family, love our memory.. having u and da family is da best thing happend in ma life@@.
dis oliday always in my memory..
...diana@@.....................................pantai batu buruk................................dini@@
................................................we complete each other....................................
.......k*A*M*I saling menyayangi....jarak membuat kami saling merindui..........
....................................we love beach..water lover..nature lover...........................
we are amazing sista.......we are da best couple......we are da great partner
..............................................bubbye friday,,,!!!@@..............................
hmmm, i dun noe how to describe ma feeling ryte now, so heppy, even, many problem i hv to face now, but i cn still calm n cool like nothing happen, u n u always comfort me, mama i love u so much. dini, love u too~ we still hv a week ..! lets spent tyme togther sampaii lebam! @@toing toing!
ok ok.. follow da next post k,, see yar..! winks2^_^
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
on her twenty
assalamualiakum,, hai readers.. so sorry, dis week n da following, am terible busy. ouch yell no wey, almost get flu,, damn tired, exhausted!
for this moment, i feel sory to say dat , i cant frequently update ma blog. i hv to stle many things before i jump into my new world. become a siswi of university teknology malaysia..@@ honestly happy with dat. hiks:P
anyway, just spent a few hours to update ma blog today, just for her.. my beloved sista,, special dedicate to her:)
yesterday on june,22, my sistaS birthday,, "heppy bufthday hon.." u are officially come to twenty years zone:) still young lol lady@@ cool, dun panic, its just the begining of ur journey,,sape ckp ma sista tua huh,, ? brani brani ya..??!
come n see me then lol,, :P grrrr~
yesterday, we are celebrating her birthday, ols are gathering together, its so lucky for this years, mama, yana n dini, smua ada,, it just coincident,,but seriously, u r lucky darl~
epy b!rthd@y.. hep!er. hEpy b!Rthday? ceLebr@t!on. s!sta.. d!nis bUfday...

@@~hEr pre$enttta~~@@
..........mama kasi...............................peaCe..!! from yana......

.........telEkung sOlat.....................................................................hanD baG.....
erhh..! cant update well,,! rushing for something important now,, will write if i feel free~ bubbye@@ see yar.! winks2^_^
for this moment, i feel sory to say dat , i cant frequently update ma blog. i hv to stle many things before i jump into my new world. become a siswi of university teknology malaysia..@@ honestly happy with dat. hiks:P
anyway, just spent a few hours to update ma blog today, just for her.. my beloved sista,, special dedicate to her:)
yesterday on june,22, my sistaS birthday,, "heppy bufthday hon.." u are officially come to twenty years zone:) still young lol lady@@ cool, dun panic, its just the begining of ur journey,,sape ckp ma sista tua huh,, ? brani brani ya..??!
come n see me then lol,, :P grrrr~
yesterday, we are celebrating her birthday, ols are gathering together, its so lucky for this years, mama, yana n dini, smua ada,, it just coincident,,but seriously, u r lucky darl~
epy b!rthd@y.. hep!er. hEpy b!Rthday? ceLebr@t!on. s!sta.. d!nis bUfday...
@@~hEr pre$enttta~~@@
..........mama kasi...............................peaCe..!! from yana......
.........telEkung sOlat.....................................................................hanD baG.....
erhh..! cant update well,,! rushing for something important now,, will write if i feel free~ bubbye@@ see yar.! winks2^_^
Saturday, June 19, 2010
feeling : somber
mood : terible @@
action : crying, then sleep
hope : my life gonna be better :)
mood : terible @@
action : crying, then sleep
hope : my life gonna be better :)
Friday, June 18, 2010
here i come..!
assalamualaikum guys..~
seriously sory sgt sgt for sunyi sepi abt two days.. arghh, fenat tahap gaban kot. malas tahap niwana nk update my blog, aduii,
now, i am back to da silence world. hoho~ my auntie was going bc to her hometown subang jaya yesterday. n no more along, no more angah, and no more my gorgeous zara,, huwaa~ mish them much,, ! love being together auntie tie,, hope there will be another one next year,, oliday bersama, having fun ols together, and gathering with bBQ was really awesome..! bubbye che asan n mok tee~ for che asan slamat btugas kmbali, n for mk tee, enjoy your last two days oliday,, hiks:P
............bUbbyee $emUa.....................

......tata~tata........adeh,,tlg angkat!!........slamat jln......
............bUbbyee $emUa.....................
......tata~tata........adeh,,tlg angkat!!........slamat jln......
for this two days,, many things was happen, but i dun noe how to story to u ols, from where to start, and until where to end. ouchh, pretty much sure there will be no ends..! ayyo tatayo~ @@ (cumilkan..? the words is belongs to angah. "ayyo tatayo") kak yana pinjam ye angah,, lalala~
thebe$t mOment..@@
actually kn on june,18 UPUs result will be announced, but i am managed to noe that result one day early which mean on jUne,17.. alhamdulillah, i got utm in civil engeneering..! maybe this is da besh for me ryte, there must be a silver lining in it, ahakss:) so, say bubbye larh to my dream,,:: engneer of merine:: i will futher my study with countless hardworking, will perform my duty with endless spirit.. ols let say " smoga sukses diyana! go go go, kamo boleh!." hehehe:) tenkiu.ameen3x.. so utm, i will come to you soon dear!! hoorrreyyyyy!!!!!!
oke la,, will type another soon, see yar.! winks2^_^
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
our fourth..!
assalamualaikum~ yey! so heppy today... hiks:P
hilariously fun la today.. so so cool, bundle of joy! awesome..! err, crazy great, emm what else i cn say to describe todays hapiness, waw,, seriously cnt describe by word lol,
huh..! without realised.. its already our fourth ..@@ full with excitement !
seriously i hv no tyme to update my blog,, damn busy, terible exhausted, but still spent a little to share my besh moment. ouch, yell no wey,,! this is the best part in our oliday.. going to camping,,,!! yea yea.. it is.. our fourth~..
c@mp!nggg... w@terfalL..

.................................................per$!ap@n untUk kam!..............................

we lOve w@ter..! @ddicted..?

..oUch tengelam.!........... blurrrp~ buble!........

yarrrhh...!..............hoOoreyy..!! coOl..?..............c@ndit.!....

...cHeesE~...............yey...!! Cute.?!Le~.....

....jOyfUL..............grE@t fUn.!..............eXC!ted..........h@pine$s......
............bUbbyE w@terfalL..@@............
will miss this memory. so sweet. memorable and unforgetable.!!
ouch.. see u then. tata. winks2^_^
hilariously fun la today.. so so cool, bundle of joy! awesome..! err, crazy great, emm what else i cn say to describe todays hapiness, waw,, seriously cnt describe by word lol,
huh..! without realised.. its already our fourth ..@@ full with excitement !
seriously i hv no tyme to update my blog,, damn busy, terible exhausted, but still spent a little to share my besh moment. ouch, yell no wey,,! this is the best part in our oliday.. going to camping,,,!! yea yea.. it is.. our fourth~..
c@mp!nggg... w@terfalL..
.................................................per$!ap@n untUk kam!..............................
we lOve w@ter..! @ddicted..?
..oUch tengelam.!........... blurrrp~ buble!........
yarrrhh...!..............hoOoreyy..!! coOl..?..............c@ndit.!....
...cHeesE~...............yey...!! Cute.?!Le~.....
....jOyfUL..............grE@t fUn.!..............eXC!ted..........h@pine$s......
............bUbbyE w@terfalL..@@............
will miss this memory. so sweet. memorable and unforgetable.!!
ouch.. see u then. tata. winks2^_^
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