oh,, no no..
dun get me wrong please dear.. i dun meant dat babeyh,, haha~
alkisah bermula.. @@ hee~
ekceli kn, yesterday lala adew klas survey dkat D10, ptg la.. about 2pm until 4pm.. nk jd nasib lala n da geng,, da last last minit klas uh,, booley plak ujan lebat plus guruh nya plus kilat nya,, plus petir nya,, aduyaii,, apekah nasib daa~ kitorg pom redah je la nk balik,, lala da abis kelas,, tapi another two mmber havent fnish eir class yet.. so pitty.
on my way nk balik blok tu,, tba tba lala nmpak bus aw,, dalam aty da tau, misti bus ni ta brenti to fetch me up. yela,, lala da la adew kat seberang,, bus tu seberang sana,, dah la tyme tu ujan gle gaban lebat,, misti liat gle la drebar bus tu nk stop.. ahh,, akuh redha di situ,,
but,, i was wrong in judging him.. he was too too nice.. even lala ta tahan,, dye stop depan lala,, diseberang sana.. siapa yg nak naek slaen lala,,? my member adew klas lg,, ouh,, so nice u uncle.. sorry for judging u in da wrong way.. yela,,, apa ta nye,, if b4 this,, pkcik pkcik bus laen,, kalo org tahan kat tepi tepi jalan liat meliat je nk brenti,, means kene nek dkat bustop je,, if not, dye ta kn amek, ahh,! please consder abt us uncle,, we tried our bes to go to da bus stop,, but we cant make it before u arrived,, so, need we miss u just because that..????
awesome uncle....~~!!
its ekceli coincident,, i seat infront.. fist chair,, and its just behind u,, u were so kind uncle,, u were so friendly,, u were great...!!! u fetch up all my fren at D10.. even u have to wait for them.. even u have to go to them,, it such a good deed..! u smile for evry single student,, u consder evrythng,, u watch evry angle, student yang ta nk naek pom, uncle masih perlahan kan bus n ask for them nk naek o ta,, wah.. i loike2.. so caring..
but why uncle,,? ...?!
why i never see u before..? are u a new driver..? i hope no..
i hope u already berkhidmat lama dgn utm,, lala isau kalo uncle driver baru,, nnt lame2 uncle akn behave mcm driver2 yg sedia ad ni,, tapi kalo uncle da lama bkhidamt untk UTM, n bhave like this,, lala gv thumb up lah,, u keep this behaviour until now,, means u sncere to that..!
tapi apa apa pom,, lala pom shayung uncle uncle laen,, sbb diorg ni jugak prjalanan lala dari stu tmpat ke stu tmpat yg laen mudah dn smooth... mgkin kne tgk positive jugak,, sapew suh lala lmbat ke bus stop,, kalo ta,, ta kn adew nya nk kne tahan kat tepi2 jalan tu,, u deserve for that..!
wukey,,? so da massege here is,, namo lambt2 kalo nk amek bus uke,,? kalo kita nk dia,, kita tggu dia,, bkn dia tggu kita...~ untk uncle bus,, i love u all lah,, smoga kamo smua sukses di dunia dn di akhirat sana,, smoga kamoo smua di permudahkn urusan kerja nya,, ameen3 :)
until here da story about my lovely uncle driver,, see u with another post, will be more sharing after this,, see yar,,!! papai,, winkss@@
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