salam syg bt semua. . .
he he he :')
i hv something to show u guys. . .

*klik ntuk besarkan*
ni antara gerak kerja mereka mereka,, no wonder lah akuh ta thu an,, dyeorg bt bye masge kat fb,, sgt sgt sweet..! thanks piqa fer da posting!!! well done! thanks oll fer da respond!
haa... ni stu lgy,, so touch wif this,,!
*nice card!!! big big thank you fer you*
and dis... da nice one,,! yg paling chantek! yg paling cumel! yg paling akuh suke,,! seriusly thanks again. . .
*yummy yummy,, my last teen age,,19*
korg mmg rawks,,! seriusly akuh hepy sgt sgt sgt,,! bejutan jutan terima kasih ntuk yg rancang, beriban terima kasih jugeks pada yg sudi menghadirkan diri dn memeriah kn suprice bday party ni
piQa n ikin : i noe u both gurl work so hard fer dis! pandai ea piQa ckp nk balik, mlm sbtu baru nk dtg utm,, ikin ckp outing then nk kua g dating! *sigh*
ana, umi, lin, umisue : thanks fer ols dis,, u ols gurl rawk,, maty maty aku ingt betol,,! idup idup aku kne tpu *oppsy,, mcm keling jep ma words, sorry*
haizum n kak ros : da kuat kuat gurl *he he he* hebat lah korg kidnap akuh,, kpd aizum yg tutup mulut akuh,, sory fer da `saliva` yg kuar,, seriusli akuh ta ley napas,,! napas kot mulot, jawabnya air liur pom kuar! opppsy,, errr,, er sori.
kpd mereka yg hadir semalam,,
.nina, aiyah, iffa, kalbi, jj, zam, mona, anis, aisyah gunawan, zila kamal.
thanks sgt sgt fer support master mind..! thanks fer together make me happy,,
jejaka yg turut merai kn malam ntuk lala. . .
haziq, acap kosnan, alip ashriqq, n irfan:
thank guyss..! cool lah korg! seriusly never espct u guys ad jgk,, tekejot!
ziQ: nk gmba bole, , ?
acap: thanks fer da doa. . slalu doakn akuh dlm doa kw erkk.. tq acap!
alip: tqsm fer da dare! i love it!
irfan: finally got da big cake lah! yesssa! :P
siti n fye: thanks fer cuming! thanks fer turut meraikan! thanks fer orange glass,, i will non stop drink nnt:)
*korang,, sorry kalo feel anoying dgr lala ckp thanks ol da tyme,, but seriusly,, i do feel so so thanks to oll u guys,, speechless, i feel so so special last nite,,! like be da princess of da day,, ececece :') terlebih pulekss,, hikss*
emm,, invitation birthday card uh maybe ta ckup besar an,, so ta nmpak sgt lar..nnt nx post lala letak yg ory,, *yg ni lala kidnap dekat fb ana* yg ory fer sure lah dgn cik piQa,, dye la yg create. chantek! nk tgk? misti folo my nx post lah,, uke,,? bole? hiks :P
i love last nyte story! mereka meraikan birthday party lala dkat tasek,,! tmpat yg terbaek! mlm yg indah dgn ujan yg renyai membuat getaran terase smpai ke lubuk aty akuh! ta perna org bawak kek dgn lilin yg byk,, then akuh tiup!! *thanks piQa,,* i feel so special dgn letupan pompom *erk, ape uh, bom kecik uh la~ ape kebende name dye,,aneh*. org nyanyi bday song, misti la rase special gle gaban! *alip, jnji kamo tertunai,tq* then, mereka berdoa ntuk syayer! :') amin amin,, awesome! *tq acap,leading da doa*,, adew org amek gmba,, tibe tibe raser cm seleberiti.. wah wah wah,, klip cahaya sane sini,, flash sane flash sini,, fuyyo! thanks aziq! mkanan yg bnyak,, nasi goreng mee goreng aym goren air sirap segala mcm makanan yg di-served,,! thank to piQa n adeQ! thanks to mama jugeks! akuh ta sempat mkn aym! *Sigh* g jalan ke balai cerapan yg gelap gulita*myvi yg cumel bg lampu tnggi sbb nk ngurat gadis gadis iswara`padahal wat salah`* walau sekejup berada di atas sane,, tapi syayer smpat amek gmbar, (seriusly jeles tgk guys china seleberate bday), part kidnap yg hmpir bt akuh mampus,, akuh ske,,! it worth..! i am hepy at last,, knape syayer pgl cik haizum berkali kali ta dgr...?? pndai ea belakon! syayer mcm perasan kak ros tapi dorg ckp bukan.. *idup idop kne kelentong*. thump up korang,, tip top lah.! kalw korang nk wat akuh hepi,, yess! u ols did it well.! akuh raser sgt sgt hepi~
hevent to u olls guys,, semestinya akuh SAYANG korang,, a memory to share . winkss ^_^