hey really miss diyana..? oh,, i noe that,, so sorry aw,, but ekceli i miss u n ma blog more than u do larh.. hiks:P
guyss,,! tomorow i will going to johor,, futher my stady,, (ukan gy alimoon o oliday owke?) hak3. so this will be my last post for da temporary,, eerrrr.. err i guess:) i hv no lappy yet lar,, so it could be da reason why later i cnt frequently bloging..!@@ toink toing!
seriously,, fenat gaban this few days,, boley katakan evry sngle day pg bandar,, adusss,! lembik longlai.. dgn pans nya kat tenganu ni,, undscribe-dable..(..?) oooOpss..! but i still noe dat neraka is more more n more unbelivable,, ya Allah ampunilah aku atas keluhan ini,, semoga tenganu akan sejuk nyaman soon@@ weee~ but now,, feel so so so relief dawh,, evrything cn consider done,, all da preparation almost stle,,
1 jula!... my last day:)
hary ni sepatotnya plan nyew pgy jmpa sdare mare n kengkawan jew,, tapi da plan is totally brubah aw,, ni sebab ptptn pyew pasal,, ouchh,,! cheque wpp smpai uma thari td, so by hook o by crook,, dyana kne la pg cashkan cheque tuu,, damn damn,,! imagne lar,, kalo semua bru dapat cheque tu hary ni,, dah tentu tentu ramai pegy serbu bank uh,,! adusss...! penim,, ,malas nk pikir dawh,, yg penting evrythng is stle olready,, hope so,, guys,, wish evrything gonna be smooth owke..? syayunk kowg..! smoga allah berkati kamo kembali,,~ ameen3..
surat chenta akuh untuk d!a..
love latter for u...
hey u,, dis is my last day,, u gonna miss me lar,, hiks:P
@@ u, cuty ni sonok sgt sgt aww.. we did it well,, we find our true relationship,, we make it meaningful.. u so awesome,,! we awesome..! i love u,, no one cn replace u.. u,, dis oliday,, we make a lots of changes,, do u realised..? bila kita gadoh,, kejup je,, one of us will admit who faults it is, not like before,, for sure lamew lar,, "ITS YOUR FAULT LA..!" haha,, "NO, NO, ITS YOURs.."..."OH,, OKE OWKE,, ITS MY FAULT.." haha,, suke la u,, nk gadoh..? hehe,, tanak tanak,, jk je:) u,, thanks for be closed to me,, for understand me,, for helping me, for gve me da bst,, thanks for all,, evry moment is clear in my mind,, i will miss to jog with u,, i will miss to talk to you, i will miss u deeply,, u complete my life,, u my HONEY.. u juga la my POISON..(...?) oppss,, never..! u will never be that,, u will always be my HONEY.. u,, i feel great sorry for what was happen,, seriusly,, i do love to keep jog with u,, yea,, mmg kita perna plan nk jog same2 if i dapat study stu cmpus wif u,,but this is ketentuan Nya,, and honestly,, i really happy dat i cn cont my study at UTM,, i hope u will happy as i do. u,, i really wanna b da great engneer, and dat U is the best,,(ameen3),, n u,, stdi well, be da super great doc for all hambaNya, be da great doc to me n mama, i said: an apple a day keep da doctor away... u said: dun lar, how i cn treat u if u get away from doc..? no honey,, u will always be my doctor,, u treat my sadness, u treat my painfull, u treat my anger, u treat evrything abt me,, because u r da amazing doctor for me:) keep it.. just follow da flow,, never give up owke..?.. u,, nnt graduate samew2 owke,,? lets make her proud with both of us,,
if i cn be a millionare, i will gve u evrything,,'
if i cn be an angle,, i will always make u happy..'
i hv nothing to gv to u,,'
i am not an angle to make u always happy,, but am trying ma best to make u smile bc once u r not happy,, ur tears make me feel so so so hurt,,!! plis honey,, dun frequently make ur tears flow,, hiks:P ouch,,
u,,thanks for this holiday,, i will always remember our moment,,,! i will always remember our memory,, memorable and unforgetable..! love u damn,,! will miss u badly@@
dini,, u are da best for diana,, serius,, i hv to thanks to Allah,, a lots,,! i am da lucky one for having u in my life,,! u complete me .. no,, no..we complete each other,,!
u,, thanks for da last gift,,,
".....nota hati seorang lelaki..."
" hati seorang lelaki, kekadang perlu SEKERAS WAJA... ada masa nya
mesti SELEMBUT SUTERA.. jika jiwa mu tulus kerana ILAHI.. pasti lurus peranan mu sebagai LELAKI.."
u,, akan ku coba habiskan tiap helaian yg tercoret dlm buku ini,, thanks for this bekalan,,
sorry,, its already late,, got to go,, will miss this conner much much soon,, take care and may have a great life:) wait for me owke,,? see yar,,! winks2^_^